pilne w emailu do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii:
*poinformuj, jak przywitano cię w nowej szkole.
*opisz ulubionego nauczyciela. (nauczyciel dowolny)
*napisz, co najbardziej podoba ci się w szkole.
od 50 do 120 słów.

Odpowiedź :


już pisze dla ciebie kochany uczniu


Hello [name]!

I'm writing to you to inform you about my new school!
I was welcomed there very warmly, all the people were very friendly to me, i wasn't feeling excluded at all!
I didn't need much time to adapt to the surrounding, one of the students have gave me a tour around the school, so i got to know where is library, all my classrooms etc.

I think my favourite teacher so far is Ms. Kennedy - our biology teacher, she's so friendly, tolerant and not strict at all, not like the other employees here, but i think that i'll like them anyway.
I need to mention my favourite thing in that school, i mean IT-classroom.
The equipment there is new, not outdated, chairs are super comfy.
There is even e-gaming room! Our school has their own e-games tournaments and team! That's just amazing!
Anyway i'm getting more and more used to my new school.
And how are you doing? Is everything good in your place? Can't wait for your response.

Your best friend