Przygotuj wpis dla osób anglojęzycznych na szkolnego bloga poświęcony konkursowi pod tytułem "STEAM in action", który odbył się w twojej szkole.
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Hi and welcome to our school blog!

Last week in our school there was a school competition "STEAM in action'' for all students. About 40 students took part in this event showing their amazing works!

The boy form the class 6A won the first prize for his model of the dinosaur. It was made of clay. The second prize was given to a group of students form 8B. They prepared a poster of the most famous inventors made with fabrics. It was very creative!

The theme of the next competition for this term is ''Environmently friendly invention'' and is dedicated for students from class 4-8. Don't be lazy! Take part in the competition and win super prizes :

* $100 voucher!

* tablet

* skateboards

* sweets and even more gadgets!