Zadania w załączniku.

Zadanie 9. Uzupełnij zdania na podstawie tekstu.
1. The resort is located in the countryside in Cornwall.
2. Dog guests receive a welcome pack with treats.
3. Guests can visit the hotel for a spa with special treatments.
4. Pets are cared for by the experienced staff.
Zadanie 11.
Are you interested in nature? Do you like animals? Don't you mind (1) freezing cold temperatures? Then consider a career as a scientist who researches polar bears. These scientists live in the Arctic so they can (2) study polar bears in their natural habitat. They collect information on polar bear behaviour and (3) do experiments on the Arctic ice in order to help protect the bears and teach others about these great creatures of the North!
Zadanie 12. Uzupełnij opid tak, by był zgodny z ilustracją.
This photo was taken in a (1) library. We can see a group of students working together at a table. There are bookshelves (2) behind them. There are two boys sitting at a table and two girls standing next to the table. On the table there is a (3) laptop. They are probably working on a group project for school. They are all (4) looking at the screen and talking.
Zadanie 13. Sparafrazuj zdania.
1. The festival will be in the park on Saturday. PLACE
The festival will take place in the park on Saturday.
2. A man wearing a mask grabbed her purse. STOLEN
Her purse was stolen by a man wearing a mask.
3. This is her first time singing in front of an audience. NEVER
She has never sung in front of an audience before.
4. This dress didn't cost as much as the shoes. THAN
The cress cost less than the shoes.