Read the introduction to the text and answer the questions.
1. What did the first crowdfunding projects fund?
- The first crowdfunding projects funded creative projects, like books or music albums.
2. What sort of a website is JustGiving?
- JustGiving is a charity site. People use it to ask for donations to a good cause.
3. What benefits do people usually get when they give money to a business crowdfunding campaign?
- They receive products, an 'experience' or even a share in business profits.
4. What happens on some crowdfunding sites if the target isn't met in the time limit?
- If the target isn't met in the time limit, the company gets the money back and you end up with nothing.
Słowniczek pojęć:
(to) fund - finansować
crowdfunding - finansowanie społecznościowe
a website - strona internetowa
a charity site - strona charytatywna
a good cause - dobry powód/przyczyna
donations - darowizny
benefits - korzyści
a share - udział
a target - cel