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Hello everyone! Yesterday I bought "KitchenRobot". I bought it in shopping centre in Poland in (jakieś miasto w Polsce). I went to shopping centre with my parents and (brother/sister). We entered "Kitchen Shop". I saw it on exhibition. It was (jakiś kolor) with silver details. I told my parents about it. They were really happy. They bought it for me, but they said I have to use it in kitchen. It's amazing! You can, for example, whip the whipped cream in it or make noodles. Also you can grind the meat and do many other things! I hope you like my opionion! I recommend that you buy "KitchenRobot"! It's really usefull thing! Please comment on my opinion and write yours! Thank you for reading!


Mam nadzieję, że wszystko dobrze!

(W zdaniach z nawiasami, musisz wstawić coś co tam pisze).