sprawdzi ktoś i wprowadzi ewentualnie drobne poprawki tylko bez ruszania tych elementów ,,powiedz czemu wyprawiłeś przyjęcie, opisz co zrobiłeś żeby je przygotować, opisz przebieg i to jak sprzątałes na następny dzień,,

I am verry happy becouse I have a parrty. The party was on my birthday. I buy drink- water, Juice and coca cola and I buy snacks-chipsy, breadsticks, jelly beans and popcorn. I also made decorations. We all danced and have a good Time, Unfortunately, Karolina break my Mother vase and I have to clean it up. She sorry and said she would buy a new one. The next day after the party, I have to clean the whole house. I wash dirty dishes and vacuumed. Too bad you were not there.​

Odpowiedź :


I am very happy because I had a party on my birthday. I bought beverages such as water, juice, and Coca-Cola as well some snacks like crisps, breadsticks, jelly beans and popcorn. I also made decorations. We all danced and had a good time. Unfortunately, Karolina broke my mother's vase and I had to clean it up. She was sorry and said she would buy a new one. The next day after the party, I had to clean the whole house. I washed dirty dishes and vacuumed. Too bad you were not here.​
