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Hello everyone,
This morning my school organised a meeting with a chef from a big restaurant.
She told us about organising the work of many cooks in a big restaurant. However, her job is not just about (1.1.) managing other people. She also (1.2.) creates new dishes and experiments with (1.3.) different ingredients and recipes. It was fascinating! In my (1.4.) opinion, the job sounds really (1.5.) interesting. I suppose you need to be quite (1.6.) creative and know a lot of recipes to create new dishes. I don’t yet know what I’d (1.7.) like to do in the future, but I think I (1.8.) could be a chef, because I like cooking and experimenting with recipes.
However, I’m not (1.9.) sure I would be good (1.10.) at managing other people’s work.
What do you think?
Słowniczek pojęć:
- to manage - zarządzać, kierować
- to create - towrzyć
- different - różny, rozmaity
- in my opinion - moim zdaniem
- interesting - interesyjący
- creative -kreatywny, twóczy, pomysłowy
- would like - chiałabym, chciałbym (tryb przypusczający czasownika chcieć)
- to be sure - być pewnym
- to be good at - być w czymś dobrym