Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach.

They (lubią się) like each other a lot.

1 Which pen do you usually use? (Czarnego czy niebieskiego) ______________________________?
2 Daniel ordered two power banks: one for him and (ten drugi) _______________ for his girlfriend.
3 He’s into cars, especially (tymi japońskimi) ___________________________________________.
4 Johnny brought lots of crisps and (inne) ________________________________________ snacks.
5 Look at those dresses. I think (ta krótka) ___________________________on the right will be fine.
6 Sarah showed me the blue bag and (różową) _________________________________________.
7 She doesn’t want this book. She’d like (tamtą) ________________________________________.
8 She should buy new trousers. (Te, które) _______________________________ she’s got are torn.
9 I like this restaurant, but I’d like to try (inną) _________________________________________.
10 Would you like (jeszcze jedną szklankę) _______________________________________ of water?

Odpowiedź :


1. Blue or black?

2. the second one

3. the japan ones

4. other

5. the short one

6. the pink bag

7. that book.

8. The ones

9. a different one

10. another glass

mam nadzieje ze pomogłam

1. Black or blue
2. the other one
3. the japanese ones
4. other
5. the short one
6. the pink one
7. the other one
8. The ones, which
9. another one
10. one more glass