Odpowiedź :
Przeczytaj tekst o planach na przyszłość czterech nastolatków. Dopasuj do każdego pytania właściwą osobę.
Which person ...
1. doesn't know at all what job they want to do?
- Katy doesn't know at all what job she wants to do.
2. wants to do an artistic job?
- Zeb wants to do an artistic job.
3. is thinking about two different jobs?
- Zeb is thinking about two different jobs.
4. is hoping to work in Europe for a while?
- Josh is hoping to work in Europe for a while.
5. wants to earn well in their future job?
- Katy wants to earn well in her future job.
6. can't wait to leave school?
- Hayley can't wait to leave school.
Słowniczek pojęć:
(to) earn - zarabiać
an opportunity - możliwość
during - podczas
foreign - obce
well-paid - dobrze płatna
an interview - rozmowa kwalifikacyjna/wywiad