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When The Clash started in 1976, they were a typical punk band playing short, fast, loud, 1____ songs. One of the members of the group was Paul Simonon. He couldn't play an instrument and was more interested in art than music but he thought it would be fun to join his friends. He was still learning to play the bass guitar while the band were playing concerts but nobody worried about mistakes, so his lack of 2____ ability wasn't a problem. At the same time, he designed the group's clothes and album covers. Simonon influenced the band in another way, too. He came from an area of London, Brixton, where a lot of 3 _____ people live and he loved the reggae music that they played and listened to. The Clash became one of the first white bands to play reggae music with their version of the song 'Police and Thieves' on their first album. Paul is now an excellent bass guitarist and he 4 ____ with many famous people over the last twenty-five years, including Bob Dylan and the band Gorillaz. He also paints and there have been exhibitions of his work in London. Many of his paintings are views of the city and, a few years ago, one of them 5_____ by the singer Lily Allen for £23,500.​