Odpowiedź :
Last summer, in July, our class went to the mouintains. The day was lovely, the sun was shining and it was quite hot. We went with the whole class and our English teacher. We were very excited and full of energy. We started walking through the forest and it was not so tiring and we were talking all the time. We decided that it is better to be at the end of the group because we could admire the views. Then we started climbing and we saw a strange plant so we stopped for a moment to take some pictures. Suddenly we realized that we could not see the rest of our class. We were lost! At first we were shocked and we did not know what to do by then we decided that we should follow the path. We were walking fast for about a half of an hour and finally we saw our class. They were having a rest and eating sandwiches. Our teacher was very angry, she shouted at us and she told us that we are irresponsible. We had to walk with her all the time. We felt stupid and we could not talk freely because she was listening all the time. The last 3 hours af our trip were boring and we did not have fun. I felt dissapointed and a bit angry that she forced us to walk with her. I hope that the next trip will be better.
Mam nadzieje że jest w sam raz napisane, jak są jakieś błędy popraw. W Past Perfect Contiuous chodzi o to że używamy go mówiąc o czynności ciągłej w przeszłości która zaczęła się zanim miała miejsce jakaś inna czynność przeszła. Zdanie twierdzące tworzymy wstawiając po podmiocie orzeczenie złożone z następujących elementów: had + been (we wszystkich osobach tak samo) + czasownik z końcówką -ing. Mam nadzieje że pomogłam!:)