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Odpowiedź :

Hi, Alex!

As you know I went on a trip to Spain. I'm with my parents and my younger brother. We decided to take a hotel in Barcelona, because my mom always wanted to see this city!

First day when we arrived I didn't do a lot of stuff, because I was tired after flight. The next day I went to the famous church Sagrada Familia with my family. It was so huge building! And very beautiful. I took some photos of it so let me know if you want to see them! After that we went to see the stadion Camp Nou. My brother loves football and he was so excited to see it, in fact not only him, but me as well. I loved it. Today we were at the beach already and I really don't know what will we do later.

The weather in Barcelona is so nice! It's so hot here, everyone wears shorts and flip-flops. When I first arrived here I was surprised by this hot weather because there's no such weather in Warsaw. I think It was one of the best trips I have had! If I'd have the opportunity I will definitely go there a second time.
