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Hi everyone,
I’d like to share my experience of African dance. About a year ago my friend, Liz, suggested
I should go with her to an African dance class. I’d always been quite overweight and shy and although I’d tried some diet pills and joining a gym, nothing seemed to work. At first I wasn’t keen on the idea of joining an African dance group, but Liz didn’t give up and in the end
I agreed. Now, African dance is quite an injury-free activity because you keep your feet in line with the knees, which protects them and your back from too much strain. Also, you put your feet flat on the floor, so your ankles aren’t in danger, either. It turned out just the right thing for me! Since I joined about half a year ago, I’ve lost quite a few kilos, and my confidence has improved, too!

1. Barbara had tried to get slimmer before she joined the African dance class. P/F
2. Barbara didn't want to try African dance as soon as her friend told her about it. P/F
3. Barbara says she feels less confident because of the African dance classes P/F