Dużo ludzi wydaje pieniądze na rzeczy których nie potrzebują ale chca sie pokazać innym tak czy nie i dlaczego?

Odpowiedź :


We buy things that we don't need for a number of reasons and showing off is only one of them. Undoubtly, possesing a lot of (expensive) things is a sign of status and a way of convinceing others that we are better than them. However, the need to impress others is accompanied by the need of getting noticed and praised. Buying things is the easiest and fastest way to get others' attention.  Real achievements such as breaking a sport record, publishing an article in a recognized scientific magazine or even writing a popular blog require more work and devotion than simply going shopping. Last but not the least, people think that to be is to have so they try to have as much as they can. As a result they horde things that have no use or will never be used.


Przedstawiając swoją opinię pamietaj żeby odnieść się do głównej myśli zawartej w pytaniu i jeśli to tylko możliwe przedstawić kilka argumentów.