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in full abbreviation of Great Britain is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Great Britain consists of a group of islands in the north of Europe and covers an area of 243,610 square kilometers. It consists of the main island of Great Britain, neighboring Ireland. There are also around 800 smaller islands, the most famous of which are Shetland, Orkney and the Isle of Wight.
they do not have an official language and the capital of Great Britain is London.
the head of the state is Queen Elizabeth ||
Great Britain is a very numerous country because it has as many as 66 796 800 population.
their currency is the pound.
There are tides off the coast of Great Britain, up to 15 m in the Severn estuary, which is the second highest in the world (after Fundy Bay). The existence of tides causes rivers to exit through estuaries.
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