Rozwiąż idiomy posługując się przykładami z listy:
off the top of your head - impromptu; immediately and without thinking very much
bear sth in mind - to remember to consider something when you are thinking about or doing something else
out of sight, out of mind - used for saying that when you do not see or hear about something, you do not think about it
ring a bell - something that rings a bell sounds familiar to you, although you cannot remember the exact details
on the tip of my tongue - if a word, name etc is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it at the time you are speaking
cross your mind - if something crosses your mind, you think of it, but often not for very long or very seriously
rack your brains - to try very hard to remember something or to solve a problem
be in two minds - to not be certain about something, or to have difficulty in making a decision
in your mind’s eye - if you can see someone or something in your mind’s eye, you can imagine or remember what they look like
put one’s mind to sth - concentrate on sth
pick one’s brains - to ask someone questions because you want them to give you advice or information
considerate - thinking about the feelings and needs of other people
spit it out - used for telling someone to hurry and say something when they are too nervous or embarrassed to say it
tentative - not definite, or not certain (tentative suggestion; tentative acceptance)
ponder - to think carefully about something for a long time before reaching a decision
infer - to form an opinion about something that is based on information that you already have
reckon - to believe that something is true; to have a particular opinion about someone or something
pensive - seeming to be thinking carefully about something, especially something sad or serious
mind over matter - the ability to control pain or an unpleasant situation by using your mind
permanent reminder - something that constantly reminds you of something that happened in the past