Jesteś na wakacjach, w mailu do kolegi/koleżanki :
- krótko opisz swoje wakacje ( gdzie i z kim jesteś, itp.)
- napisz o jakimś ciekawym wydarzeniu, które miało miejsce w tym czasie
- opowiedz o planie na jutrzejszy dzień i napisz kiedy wracasz

na dziś do 24
ilość słów - 200
daje naj
nie musi być jakieś świetne
przynajmniej na 3​

Odpowiedź :


Hi Grace,

I've been on holiday with Lucy for two weeks now. Guess what! Two days ago a friend of mine asked me for help with his homework. Can you imagine me doing exercises while my girlfriend is next to me, eager to go out for a romantic meal or some other activities? However, it's a very special friend Peter who I've known since we moved in to our new house. Lucy having heard about his unique offer, was laughing so much that she chocked while eating a meal in a restaurant. It looked serious, but I'd had a first aid course so I could help her easily. To thank, she invited me to the theme park which is nearby the restaurant. We had a wonderful time there. While in the park, I won the contest for the worst dancer ever. So, we had a lot of fun.

Tomorrow we're going to visit an art gallery. None of us likes art but before leaving home, we decided to take up some activities to become a cultural and knowledgeable people. This visit is about to make us so. I doubt it could help, but still.

We're coming back this Saturday, unless something unexpected happens.

See you soon,

