Jesteś na rodzinnych wakacjach u dziadków.
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- informujesz gdzie jesteś,
- opowiesz, jak spędzasz czas z rodziną,
- poinformujesz o dalszych planach wakacyjnych.

Odpowiedź :

Hi Mike!

Guess what! I’m right now on a family holidays at my grandparents. I adore this place, wherever you look you can see the beauty of nature! My grandparents live in the countryside and they have a own farm! We have so much fun here. Yesterday my grandpa took me on a tractor ride, It was awesome! Today I’m going to help my granny with cook cookies, maybe when I come back to the town we’ll make cookies from her recipe? When I’m here, I want to get some rest and spend as much time as possible with my family. Rest of this summer I would like to spend with you and do a lot of insane things! I hope you don’t forgot about our sports camp which will be in a few weeks, I can’t wait! I hope you are spending a great time too with your family in Italy.

All the best,