Odpowiedź :
I am going to describe my phone.
- What materials is it made of? - It is made of: silicon, plastic, aluminium, iron, copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel and barium.
- When was this kind of product first invented? - It was invented in 1992 by IBM and released for purchase in 1994.
- How environmentally friendly is this product? (e.g. Was it manufactured with new or recycled materials? Can you recycle it? - It is not, unfortunately, it is new, manufactured with new materials and it is not recyclable.
- How is this product usually promoted? - It is usually promoted online on various pages, on TV but also in newspapers or on billboards next to many streets
- Where is it sold? - It is sold both online and in shops with electronics.
Zadanie polega na opisaniu według zadanych pytań wybranego produktu codziennego użytku. Do opisu wybrano telefon komórkowy.