Napisz ogłoszenie, które zamieścisz na stronie internetowej szkoły.Wraz z kolegami z klasy organizujesz spotkanie w szkol, na którym uczniowie będą mogli porozmawiać o swoich problemach. W swoim ogłoszeniu zawrzyj :
1) Prośbę do uczniów aby zgłosili kwestie które chcieliby omówić
2) Poinformuj gdzie i kiedy odbędzie się spotkanie
3) Zachęć uczniów do udziału w spotkaniu

Min. 60 słów

Odpowiedź :


Feel like not want to live? Problems at school or home?

Great! Now you've got a chance not to change anything, but to talk about everything. We won't make your life better, we won't solve your problems, but we will talk with you about everything you'd like. No limits, no barriers!

Make out a concern and tell us about it. It won't be only in the darkness of your thoughts any more. We'll bring it out and discuss it in a variety of ways.  

The first meeting is going to be this Friday at 8 pm in the cellar of our school to make it more creepy or cryptic.

You're all welcomed and feel free to ask anything and talk about anything. The only rule is: Don't hurt others intentionally. Be polite, remove limits, boundaries, and borders.

Join u! Have fun and much more!
