2: Przeanalizuj poniższe zdania (i) i (ii). Mają identyczne struktury powierzchni, ale podczas gdy pierwsze zdanie jest zarówno gramatycznie dobrze , jak i akceptowalne, drugie zdanie jest źle gramatycznie i jest nieakceptowalne w językowo. Spróbuj wyjaśnić, dlaczego tak jest. W obu przypadkach należy wziąć pod uwagę dopełnienie typu w obu przypadkach.
(i) The player thrown the ball kicked it.
why is this grammatically good and acceptable in language.
(ii) *The player kicked the ball kicked it
why is this grammatically bad and unacceptable in language

Odpowiedź :

1/ The player thrown the ball kicked it


The player at whom the ball was thrown kicked the ball.

2/ The player kicked the ball kicked it


The player kicked the ball is a full sentence and does not accept any modifications (is not ditransitive in this context)

in 1/ the player is the direct object (the action of thworing was directed at him) and the ball is the indirect object (the object thrown)

in 2/ the player is the subject of the sentence and the ball is the direct object object (the object undergoing the action of kicking)