W ramach zajęć pozalekcyjnych w Twojej szkole odbywały się przez pewien czas warsztaty kulinarne dla młodzieży, w których brałeś (brałaś) udział. Napisz
list po angielsku
do szkolnej gazetki, w którym zrelacjonujesz przebieg zajęć oraz przedstawisz i uzasadnisz swoją opinię na temat udziału młodzieży w tego typu zajęciach.

Odpowiedź :

Hi Abigale and other editors,

I've just finished so well-known culinary workshops at our school. We were taught how to read recipes, I mean how to understand the terminology used there. We were divided into teams and each time one team was supposed to present a new dish, while the rest was cooking according to our  master chef's recommendation. Sometimes we could taste something quite delicious and unknown.

However, apart these, I don't think it was very useful. Most of us won't ever cook such stuff and I'm sure, we'll forget all the advice after a few weeks unless someone practices regularly, which is not going to happen to me. I enjoyed spending time with my friends and they probably did it as well.

If I were asked to recommend such workshops or not, I'd say that for most of us It was probably a bit more interesting than watching films or playing computer games.