Odpowiedź :
Cześć CzarnyKsiężyc,
masz ładnie napisany email :)
w paru miejscach zmieniłabym ciutkę...
Hi Kylie,
I’m writing to thank you for inviting me to London to spend this weekend with your family. I totally accept your invite!
To be honest, I was going to visit my aunt and uncle at this time, but with your kind invite, I am changing my plans and I’m going with you!
Also, I want to ask you for some information about this trip. At what time should I plan my arrival? Are we going to do any sightseeing? Should I take any special clothes (swimming costume or something else)?
Let me know. I can’t wait to see you!
i jak inna osoba dodała w drugiej odpowiedzi, zamiast swimming costume może być swimming suit / swimsuit / swimwear / bathing suit... co tam sobie dodasz :)