Odpowiedź :
This year I was in Greece for a summer holiday. I went with my family and a couple of friends. We had so much fun. In Greece, it was very warm. We ate a lot of food we hadn’t heard of before! I recommend going there.
Dzisiaj wieczorem poszliśmy na plażę.
Today's evening we went to the beach.
Mój brat buduje zamek z piasku.
My brother is building a sand castle.
Jemy lody po tym jak graliśmy w siatkówkę.
We're eating ice-cream afer we was playing volleyball.
Na wakacje pojechaliśmy do babci na wieś.
For holiday we went to grandma in the countryside.
Pojechaliśmy za granicę w czerwcu.
We went abroad in the June.
Jesteśmy na długiej wycieczce rowerowej i wrócimy o późnej godzinie.
We're on long bicycle tour and we're going to back at late hour.