W zdaniach 1-12 spośród podanych odpowiedzi wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje sens wyróżnionego zdania lub jego fragmentu:
1 Perhaps the kids are playing in the bedroom.
A The kids must be playing
B The kids should be playing
The kids might be playing.
2 Look! This man is about to fall into the river.
A may fall
B is going to fall
C will be falling
3 Teachers need to do more experiments in class.
A are supposed to do
B don't mind doing
C ought to do
4 I would go running every other day when I was
A used to run
B liked to run
C was able to run
5 I don't remember turning off the oven.
A I often forget to turn off the oven.
B I don't know how to turn off the oven.
C I am not sure if I turned off the oven.
6 I am pretty sure I said something that upset him.
A should have said
B must have said
C could have said
7 I hate it when I have a cold.
A wouldn't like to have
B can't stand having
C regret having
8 I used to take a bus to school when I was younger.
A would take
B would like to take
C liked to take
9 Please, keep working on this exercise.
A continue doing
B start to do
C make me do
10 I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Can you say it again?
A wasn't listening to you
B missed what you said
C misunderstood you
11 My appointment with the head teacher is at 10.30.
Al meet the head teacher at 10.30.
B I'm meeting the head teacher at 10.30.
C I'll meet the head teacher at 10.30.
12 We intend to prepare a presentation about healthy
A are going to prepare
B will be preparing
C are preparing