Znajdź błędy w zdaniach. Napisz poprawne zdania.

1.there hasn't any interesting things in this amusement park.

2. We need a cheese for the pizza tomorrow.

3. Your breakfast's on the living room, Andrew.

4. There is a lot of cheetahs in this zoo

5. Hugh likes toasts and jam for lunch.

Uzupełnij dialogi. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.

A Hello ______ help you?
B _____ is a cheese sandwich?
A it's €3.
B Can I have two, please?
A Of course. _______ to drink?
B I'd _________ a bottle of orange juice.
A That's €9, please.
B Here you are.
A __________ your change. Enjoy your meal!

Odpowiedź :


1. There aren't any interesting things in this amusement park.

2. We need cheese for the pizza tomorrow.

3. Your breakfast's in the living room, Andrew.

4. There are a lot of cheetahs in this zoo.

5. Hugh likes toasts and jam for breakfast.

A Hello, can I help you?

B How much is a cheese sandwich?

A It's €3.

B Can I have two, please?

A Of course. Anything to drink?

B I'd like bottle of orange juice.

A That's €9, please.

B Here you are.

A Here's your change. Enjoy your meal!
