Zaznacz w zadaniach takie zakończenie, aby odniosły się one do przyszłości.

1. Are you visiting your grandmother right now/ this weekend?
2. I'm not going to School now/ tomorrow.
3. Is Jack playing football next Friday/ at the moment?
4. We are travelling abroad for our next holiday/ now.
5. My mum isn't working this Saturday/ right now.
6. Your dad is cooking dinner at the moment/ tonight.


Odpowiedź :

1. Are you visiting your grandmother this weekend?

2. I'm not going to School tomorrow.

3. Is Jack playing football next Friday?

4. We are travelling abroad for our next holiday.

5. My mum isn't working this Saturday.

6. Your dad is cooking dinner tonight.


1. this weekend

2. tomorrow

3. Friday

4. holiday

5. Saturnday

6. tonight

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