5 Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1-4). Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. 1 There is the possibility of a maths test next week. HAVE We a maths test next week. 2 He needs to get good results or he won't get into university. DOES He won't get into university if he good results. 3 Have they planned to visit Greece this summer? GOING to visit Greece this summer? 4 She'll pass the exam if she studies harder. NOT If she doesn't study harder, she the exam.

proszę o szybką odpowiedz. To bardzo pilne!
proszę o pomoc !!!​

Odpowiedź :

1 There is the possibility of a maths test next week.


We might have a maths test next week.

2 He needs to get good results or he won't get into university.


He won't get into university if he does not get good results.

3 Have they planned to visit Greece this summer?


Are they going to visit Greece this summer?

4 She'll pass the exam if she studies harder.


If she doesn't study harder, she will not pass the exam.