Odpowiedź :
Work in pairs. Role-play the dialogue, using the language from this lesson. Then swap roles and do the task again.
Przykładowy dialog może wyglądać następująco:
B: Good morning, how can I help you?
A: Hello. I bought this DVD player last week, and it doesn't work.
B: What do you mean?
A: The front buttons are broken. One of them fell off when I was trying to use it.
B: I see. Would you like us to fix it for you?
A: Actually, I would prefer to return it, if it's possible. Can I have my money back?
B: I'm afraid that it's not possible. We can fix it, though.
A: Do I have to pay for it?
B: No, it's free.
A: I agree then. Thank you.
I'm afraid... - Obawiam się, że...
Do I have to pay? - Czy muszę za to zapłacić?
return - zwrócić
How can I help you? - Jak mogę Ci pomóc?
I agree. - Zgadzam się.