Odpowiedź :
W tym zadaniu musimy odpowiedzieć na pytania. Należy to zrobić indywidualnie.
Oto tłumaczenia pytań i przykładowe odpowiedzi:
How does this job fit in with your career plan? - Jak ta praca wpasowuje się do twojego planu zawodowego?
It fits very well. I want to develop myself is sales and I'm sure it can help be to do so.
How many hours a week do you normally work? - Ile godzin tygodniowo zwykle pracujesz?
I work full time, so it's about 40 hours a week.
How would you adjust to working for a new company? - Jak dopasowałbyś się do pracy w nowej firmie?
I could participate in additional courses to develop my skills.
How would you describe the pace at which you work? - Jak opisałbyś tempo, w którym pracujesz?
I prefer to work slower, so that I can focus on detail.
How would your co-workers describe your personality? - Jak Twoi współpracownicy opisaliby Twoją osobowość?
They would probably say that I'm hard-working, ambitious and a good laugh.
Is there anything else we should know about you? - Czy jest coś jeszcze, co powinniśmy o Tobie wiedzieć?
I work well under pressure and deal with stress with no problems.
What motivates you? - Co Cię motywuje?
I'm motivated by time pressure. If I have to do something quickly, I work the best.
Are you a self motivator? - Czy potrafisz się sam motywować?
Yes, cerainly. I'm very motivated.
What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? - Jakie decyzje są dla Ciebie najtrudniejsze?
The ones which involve other people. I don't like deciding for someone else.
What has been the greatest disappointment in your life? - Jaki jest największy zawód w Twoim życiu?
I can't really think of anything. My life has been rather fortunate so far.
What are you passionate about? - Czym się pasjonujesz?
I'm passionate about learning new things and developing my skills.
What are your hobbies? - Jakie masz hobby?
I enjoy sports, especially basketball. In my free time, I also go running.
What are your pet peeves? - Jakie drobne rzeczy Cię irytują?
I don't like it when people speak too loud.
What is your dream job? - Jaka jest Twoja praca marzeń?
A dream job for me is one where I can constantly develop my skills and learn new things.
What will you miss most about your last job? - Za jakim aspektem swojej poprzedniej pracy będziesz tęsknił?
I would miss my co-workers. We get on very well, and it's difficult to imagine working without them.
What won’t you miss about your last job? - Za jakim aspektem swojej poprzedniej pracy nie będziesz tęsknił?
I won't miss the noise and how busy the rush hours were.
Would you rather be liked or respected? - Wolałbyś być lubiany czy szanowany?
I'd rather be respected. Being liked is more important in my private life and respect is what mattes in business.
Why should I take a risk on you? - Dlaczego powinniśmy zaryzykować dla ciebie?
I can prove that I'm a valuable addition to your company.
If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently? - Jeśli mógłbyś przeżyć ostatnie 10 lat swojego życia ponownie, co byś zmienił?
I wouldn't change a thing. I'm satisfied with my life.
decision - decyzja
valuable - wartościowy
risk - ryzyko
pet peeve - małe rzeczy, które nas irytują
differently - inaczej
disappointment - zawód
motivate - motywować
adjust - dopasować się