4 Rephrase the sentences using modal
1 Perhaps Brian will continue with his studies
once he finishes high school.
2 Would you like me to cook dinner tonight?
3 It’s forbidden to ride your bike on the platform.
4 It’s necessary for George to wear a uniform to
5 I advise you to exercise more and eat healthier
5 Complete the second sentence so that
it means the same as the first. Use up
to three words.
1 It isn’t necessary to have the meeting tomorrow.
We can arrange it for next week.
We ..................................... to have the meeting
tomorrow. We can arrange it for next week.
2 I’m certain Fibonacci’s is an amazing restaurant
because it got really good reviews.
Fibonacci’s .........................................................
an amazing restaurant because it got really good
3 I’m sure it’s not a good film because everyone I
know told me so.
It .........................................................................
a good film because everyone I know told me so.
4 It’s possible that she is working for a travel
agency at the moment.
She .....................................................................
working for a travel agency at the moment.
5 It’s likely Mia will return to Austria once her
contract finishes.
Mia .....................................................................
return to Austria once her contract finishes.

Odpowiedź :


  • Brian might continue his studies once he finishes high school.
  • Should I cook dinner tonight?
  • You mustn't ride your bike on the platform.
  • George must wear a uniform at work.
  • I think that you should eat healthier and exercise more.


  • We don't have to have the meeting tomorrow.
  • Fibonacci's must be / has to be an amazing restaurant it has really good reviews.
  • It can't be a good film because everyone I know told me so.
  • She might be / could be working for a travel agency at the moment.
  • Mia might return to Austria once her contract finishes.


Czasowników modalnych (ang. Modal Verbs) używamy, aby wyrażać opinie bądź przypuszczenia. Można używać ich również do wyrażania naszych emocji. Używając ich możemy także nakazywać, zakazywać, prosić, czy też pytać o coś.

Najpopularniejsze czasowniki modalne to:

  • must / mustn't
  • have to / has to
  • should / shouldn't
  • can / can't
  • could / couldn't
  • may / might
  • need / needn't
  • ought to

Jest to obszerny temat, który wymaga dużej wprawy. Przykładowe zdania znajdują się w zadaniach wykonanych powyżej.
