Odpowiedź :
W tym zadaniu musimy opisać obrazki i wskazać dobre i złe strony każdej z aktywności.
a. The picture shows five friends watching a movie together. They are at home and they are probably feeling relaxed. They may also be bored, judging from their faces.
Good things:
- spending time with your friends,
- interesting films,
- cheaper than going to the cinema.
Bad things:
- the film may be boring,
- you may argue with your friends about what to watch.
b. In the photo I can see two friends playing video games. I think they are at home. They look excited, so the game must be entertaining.
- you're happy if you win,
- you can learn to collaborate with your friends.
- it's easy to argue when playing,
- you're angry if you lose.
c. The photo shows some people watching a film in a cinema. In the foreground, there is a couple who may be on a date. They are focused on the film, and probably they feel relaxed and interested.
- watching new films early,
- snacks from the snack bar.
- it's expensive,
- a lot of people around you.
d. The picture shows a woman who is bowling in a bowling alley. She looks excited, so she is probably winning. She must be playing with her friends.
- it's a lot of fun,
- you spend your time actively.
- it's expensive,
- you have to make a booking early.
e. This photograph shows five people having fun at a concert. They are dancing and listening to music. They are in an outdoor concert venue, and they must be excited to see their favourite band live.
- you can see your favourite band live,
- it's a lot of fun,
- you spend time actively.
- it can be expensive,
- crowds of people,
- sometimes you have to buy tickets early.
f. In this photo, I can see a group of three friends in a café. They are drinking coffee and talking. They seem to be engaged in the conversation and happy to be there.
- good coffee/tea/cake,
- it's quiet.
- sometimes cafés are very busy, and it's difficult to find a table,
- it can be expensive.
Jak opisać obrazek po angielsku?
Kiedy opisujemy obrazek, warto spróbować odpowiedzieć na następujące pytania:
- Kto to jest?
- Gdzie on jest?
- Co on robi?
- Jak on się czuje?
café - kawiarnia
video games - gry wideo
bowling - kręgle
bowling alley - kręgielnia
concert - koncert
band - zespół
expensive - drogie
engaged - zaangażowany