mam narazie 1 strone i zaraz zrobie druga (zamiast pisac zadanie 1 napisze 1. po prostu, a podpunkty 1), 2) itp):
1. Kelly is going to help her mum and after she’s going to the cinema with friends.
2. to be going:
"I’m going to help my mum…"
"we’re going to go to the cinema…"
"will you be free…"
"sure I’ll meet you…"
3. 1) are you going to do
2) I’m going to visit
3) you are going to get
4) is going to drive
5) isn’t coming
4. 1) don’t worry, i won’t be late.
2) I will lend you some.
3) I will buy the red one.
5. 2) Pete and Sally haven’t finished their homework
3) Dad hasn’t washed the car.
4) Anges has broke her arm.
6. 1) Have you ever been to hospital?
2) Have your grandparents ever visited another country?
3) Have your dad sprained his ankle?
4) Have you ever borrowed money and don’t give it back?
5) Have you ever bought flowers from a florists?
7. 1) a
2) c
3) b