Odpowiedź :
1. My birthday is (data, np. April 29th).
Usually on my birthday I invite my friends (możesz wymienić, np. Susan, Alex and Tom) to my house. My grandmother bakes a delicious cake and we celebrate together.
2. I don't go to the cinema often, I prefer to watch TV series at home, but my favorite kind of film is science fiction. I think the last film I saw at the cinema is "Spider-man: into the spider-verse".
3. In my spare time I practice dancing. I doing this just for fun, not to be popular with it and to dance on stage.
4. My favourite food is watermelon, I eat it mostly at summer.
5. Most often I get up late at Saturdays, breakfast is ready, so I just take it and eat in my room, watching TV. When I'm done I make the bed (jeśli masz psa/kota możesz dopisać: and I go out with my dog for a walk/ and I'm playing with my cat) After that I'm cleaning my room or just laying in my bed.
6. The strangest food I have ever eaten is seafood, especially prawns. They are kinda sweet but also like a raw fish. I don't really wanna eat it again.
Przepraszam, że tak mało (nawet nie połowa) ale zwyczajnie jest tego dużo. jeśli znajdę czas to mogę dopisać, ale chyba poradzisz sobie z resztą, opisaniem członka rodziny czy planami na jutro. Nie liczę na naj bo nie zrobiłam całego :p anyways powodzenia z resztą