
Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters have been given.
Use the definitions in brackets to help you.
My mum always goes for a casual (not formal) look unless she’s attending an important meeting.
1 Ted is so r________________ (against rules) that he does exactly the opposite of what
his parents would like.
2 I always feel happy and c________________ (without worries) during the summer
holidays because I don’t have to think about schoolwork.
3 James is so open and friendly that you can tell he feels c________________ (relaxed and
confident) in his own skin.
4 Winning that prize at such a young age is quite an a________________(something
difficult which has been done successfully).
5 My mum enjoys c________________ (artistic) hobbies such as drawing and designing clothes.

Odpowiedź :

W zadaniu należy uzupełnić tekst wyrazami, które zostały opisane w nawiasach.

Poprawne odpowiedzi:

1 Ted is so rebellious (against rules) that he does exactly the opposite of what his parents would like. 

2 I always feel happy and carefree (without worries) during the summer holidays because I don’t have to think about schoolwork.

3 James is so open and friendly that you can tell he feels calm (relaxed and confident) in his own skin.

4 Winning that prize at such a young age is quite an achievement (something difficult which has been done successfully).

5 My mum enjoys creative (artistic) hobbies such as drawing and designing clothes.

Dlaczego powyższe odpowiedzi są poprawne? Chodzi tutaj o samo znaczenie danych wyrazów.

1 Ted is so rebellious (against rules) that he does exactly the opposite of what his parents would like. 

1 Ted jest tak zbuntowany (wbrew zasadom), że robi dokładnie odwrotnie, niż chcieliby jego rodzice.

2 I always feel happy and carefree (without worries) during the summer holidays because I don’t have to think about schoolwork.

2 W wakacje zawsze czuję się szczęśliwa i beztroska (bez zmartwień), ponieważ nie muszę myśleć o pracy w szkole.

3 James is so open and friendly that you can tell he feels calm (relaxed and confident) in his own skin.

3 James jest tak otwarty i przyjazny, że można powiedzieć, że czuje się spokojny (zrelaksowany i pewny siebie) we własnej skórze.

4 Winning that prize at such a young age is quite an achievement (something difficult which has been done successfully).

4 Zdobycie tej nagrody w tak młodym wieku to spore osiągnięcie (coś trudnego, co udało się zrobić).

5 My mum enjoys creative (artistic) hobbies such as drawing and designing clothes.

5 Moja mama lubi twórcze (artystyczne) hobby, takie jak rysowanie i projektowanie ubrań.