Proszę o pomoc na jutro daje naj zadanie w załączniku.
bez zadania 4 i 5

Proszę O Pomoc Na Jutro Daje Naj Zadanie W Załącznikubez Zadania 4 I 5 class=

Odpowiedź :

Ex. 1
1. Are going to have
2. Am going to
3. Are going to
4. Is going to
5. Are going to
6. Is going to
Ex. 2
1. I am going to cook curry and rice next weekend.
2. He isn’t going to make chocolate mousse tonight.
3. My mum and I are going to have steak and chips for lunch.
4. Max and Adam are going to buy some rice
5. You aren’t going to come to my house next Saturday
6. I am not going to have a sleepover next month.
Ex. 3
Is Emma going to buy an apple pie on Saturday?
No, she isn’t. D
Are they going to have soup for lunch at the weekend?
Yes, they are. B
Are you going to make pancakes at five o’clock?
No, I’m not. A