prosze o zrobienie z załcznika daje naj

Prosze O Zrobienie Z Załcznika Daje Naj class=

Odpowiedź :

  1. Someone tries to sell you new windows over the phone. → COLD CALLER
  2. A pair of speakers that you bought don't work. → FAULTY PRODUCT
  3. Your takeout order takes longer to arrive than expected. → SLOW DELIVERY
  4. Someone tries to sell you insurance in a slightly scary way. → AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSON
  5. Your new car uses far more fuel than the manufacturer said it would. → FALSE ADVERTISING
  6. You disagree with an online shop about the amount you paid for some clothes. → BILLING DISPUTE
  7. A supermarket fails to give you information about your food shopping delivery. → LACK OF COMMUNICATION
  8. Your mobile phone company says they'll replace your broken phone but they don't. → BROKEN PROMISE


  • Cold caller ➤ Sprzedawca przez telefon
  • Faulty product ➤ Uszkodzony produkt
  • Slow delivery ➤ Wolna dostawa
  • Aggressive salesperson ➤ Agresywny sprzedawca
  • False advertising ➤ Fałszywe (błędne) reklamowanie
  • Billing dispute ➤ Spór o cenę jakiegoś produktu
  • Lack of communication ➤ Brak komunikacji
  • Broken promise ➤ Niedotrzymana obietnica
