
Zadanie 4

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą (-ing lub bezokolicznik) czasowników w nawiasach.

a . Do you fancy (go) to the cinema with me?

b. There is no harm in (want) to help him , but let him make this decision on his own.

c. James threatened (tell) everyone my secret .

d. I ordered my son (apologise) to his teacher for his rude behaviour.

e. Can you imagine (lie) on the beach and doing nothing?!

f. You must get used to (commute) to work.

g. How can I persuade you ( buy ) this dress? You look lovely!

h. We failed (convince) the board to accept our project .

i . I dread (think) what Mark will say when he sees the broken window .

Proszę również o wyjaśnienie kiedy dajemy jaką formę

Odpowiedź :

  1. Do you fancy going to the cinema with me?
  2. There is no harm in wanting to help him, but let him make this decision on his own.
  3. James threatened to tell everyone my secret.
  4. I ordered my son to apologise to his teacher for his rude behaviour.
  5. Can you imagine lying on the beach and doing nothing?!
  6. How can I persuade you to buy this dress? You look lovely!
  7. We failed to convince the board to accept our project.
  8. I dread to think what Mark will say when he sees the broken window.

W zadaniu zastosowaliśmy gerunds oraz infinitives. Gerunds używamy, aby opisać czynności zakończone. Infinitives używamy, aby opisać sytuacje abstrakcyjne, nierealne bądź takie, które jeszcze nie miały miejsca. Zarówno gerund jak i infinitive mogą działać jako podmiot w zdaniu.

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