4 Write a discussion forum exchange about a phobia.

you. E

• Choose a phobia to discuss on an online discussion

forum. Find facts online or think about personal


• Make notes about the phobia.

• Organize your ideas – think about the question you

want to ask and how you could respond.

• Write your question and one response to your

question. Give information about the phobia and

include a variety of conjunctions to link your ideas. If

you have time, find pictures for your forum discussion.

Odpowiedź :

Modelowa dyskusja o fobii na przykładzie arachnofobii:

User 1: Hey guys! I suffer from arachnophobia and recently due to the change in weather there are more spiders running around my flat! It's making me feel really anxious. Do you know any ways to fight my fear or try to deal with the spiders?

User 2: Hi there User 1! For a long time I had a similar problem during summer months. There might be many reasons why people like us are scared of spiders, but it's hard to pinpoint why exactly it's happening. Some people say that it's connected to our subconsciousness and some say that it's something we learn throughout our lives. There are some options you can try to use to heal it provided that you have the budget to do so. Both of them include going to a therapy. One is based on a slow process of getting accustomed to your fear, while the other is based on quick shock. I wouldn't try the second one unless yours reactions aren't as strong as mine!

User 1: Thank you for your answer! It helped me a lot. I think I will try the first kind of treatment even though getting over it quickly is tempting.

Conjunctions czyli spójniki:

W języku angielskim występuje wiele spójników, czyli wyrazów łączących dwie części zdania.

Oto przykładowe łączniki:

  • and – i
  • but – ale
  • yet – ale
  • while – podczas gdy
  • when – kiedy
  • unless – chyba że
  • provided that – pod warunkiem że
  • once – kiedy