Zadanie 6. (0–5)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty dotyczące bycia sławnym. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 2.
There’s a moment when you’re up on stage and you suddenly become aware that everyone is looking at you. The entire room is totally focused upon what you are doing. In that terrifying split-second your performance can crash to the ground or it can soar to great, new heights. The fact that you have the power to throw it either way is what’s so exciting about being in the spotlight. And even if, at times, you feel the temptation to spoil it all, you never shatter the magic because for that precious hour or so, the audience loves you completely. That is why being on stage is the greatest job in the world.
‘Guy, you have got to be the luckiest bloke I know,’ said Richard the first time he saw me perform at the Edinburgh Festival. ‘Twenty-three years old, doing exactly what you want; everyone thinks you’re great; no office, no boss, no suit and you get paid a bloody fortune. How cool is that!’
‘It’s cool,’ echoed Richard’s girlfriend, Neal.
Fifteen minutes earlier I’d been bowing and wearing my modest ‘no-you’re-embarrassing-me’ smile as two hundred people cheered me and clapped and shouted for more. I’d glanced down and seen Richard and Neal in the front row clapping proudly. Then, as the rest of the audience got up to leave, they rushed up to me.
‘That was brilliant!’ they said, and then everyone else knew that they weren’t just ordinary members of the audience, they were friends of mine.
We went to the pub opposite the theatre. When we sat down, I counted out the two hundred pounds cash that I’d just been paid. I knew it took Richard and Neal a couple of weeks to earn that much money, so I counted it again on purpose, to make them feel a little jealous.
Suddenly, a beautiful girl approached our table and asked for my autograph. She blushed and told me that she’d really enjoyed my show. ‘Well, I can’t take all the credit myself,’ I said, which probably sounded a little false after a one-man show that I’d written and produced on my own. My friends were truly impressed as I scribbled my name in her programme. ‘You sort of get used to it,’ I told them as the girl disappeared, smiling brightly.
adapted from Walking into the Wind by John O’Farrell

6.5. After the performance, Guy
A. felt uncomfortable when Richard and Neal approached him.
B. wanted his friends to feel envious of his income.
C. disappointed his friends with an insincere answer.
D. embarrassed the girl with his reply.

Odpowiedź :

Czytanie ze zrozumieniem

6.5. After the performance, Guy

A. felt uncomfortable when Richard and Neal approached him.

B. wanted his friends to feel envious of his income.

C. disappointed his friends with an insincere answer.

D. embarrassed the girl with his reply.

Skąd taka odpowiedź?

Tekst opowiada historię 23 letniego Guy'a, który ma wszystko czego można zapragnąć - sławę, pieniądze i przyjaciół. Po swoim występie zdecydował się pójść ze swoim przyjacielem i dziewczyną do pubu naprzeciwko. Aby podrażnić swoich przyjaciół wyciągnął zarobione pieniądze i je przeliczył, aby pokazać im jak dużo zarobił w ciągu jednego wieczora. Wiedział, że im zajmuje tydzień, aby zarobić takie pieniądze. [When we sat down, I counted out the two hundred pounds cash that I’d just been paid. I knew it took Richard and Neal a couple of weeks to earn that much money, so I counted it again on purpose, to make them feel a little jealous.]