Zadanie 6. (5 pkt)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty dotyczące środowiska naturalnego. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D.
Tekst 2.
Britain has a difficult task: to generate 10% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. So far, only 4.2 % of energy is from renewable sources... and six years is not a long time to change it. The answer seems to be wind power: it's clean, it's fairly easy to produce, and it's as profitable as renewable energy can be. And there's an unlimited supply of wind in Britain. So what's the problem? The answer: Nimbys.
Nimbys are basically people who don't want anything dangerous, ugly or undesirable built near their house. Things such as prisons (fairly understandable), nuclear power stations (very understandable), rubbish dumps (50-50), or homeless shelters (a bit selfish). Now they are objecting to wind farms on the grounds that they are very big, very ugly, and a huge blight on the landscape.
Things had been looking very positive. The biggest and best wind farm project is the London Array. It's supposed to be the world's largest offshore wind farm with the building cost of £2bn and 271 wind turbines. It will be able to deliver 1,000 megawatts (MW) - enough to power 25% of all London. The wind farm itself will be 16 kilometres out to sea. The project has government approval, but it won't be going ahead. Why? Because of the Nimbys.
There are lots of other examples of Nimby obstruction. The county of Devon is a good case. It has set itself a target of generating 150MW, but so far has only approved 7MW of wind because small local councils keep obstructing every proposal. Wales has set itself a target of generating 800MW by 2010, but local council refusals mean only 217MW are operating.
The government response has been swift. They have promised new laws that will require local planning authorities to approve wind farms automatically. These new planning rules will weaken local residents' right to raise aesthetic objections to wind farm applications. So, in the future, there could be more and more of those great white wings on the horizon producing endless amounts of pollution-free energy... just as long as the Nimbys don't get in the way.
6.4. Which is true about London Array?
A. It'll be built on the land near London.
B. It can power one fourth of London.
C. It needs the government approval.
D. It gained the support of Nimbys.