Odpowiedź :
Are you noisy person or are you quiet?
Do you often froget things? Are you forgetful?
Do you do things suddenly without thinking? Are you abrupt?
Do you shout ar people? Are you aggressive?
Do you enjoy taking risks and doing extreme sports? Are you adventurous?
Do a lot of people love you and thing you're cute? Are you i......?
Do you often make mistakes and have lots of accidents are you careless?
Do you like doing things? Do you have lots of energy ? Are you energetic?
abrupt - nagły, gwałtowny
quiet - cichy
forgetful - zapominalski
aggressive - agresywny
adventurous - przygodowy
immaculate - znakomity
careless - nieostrożny
energetic - energiczny
Inne przymiotniki:
tired - zmęczony
cheerful - radosny
nervous - zdenerwowany
dissapointed - rozczarowany
shy - nieśmiały
annoyed - zirytowany
depressed - przygnębiony
surprised - zaskoczony
afraid - przestraszony
upset - zdenerwowany
bored - znudzony
worried - zmartwiony
pleased - zadowolony
excited - podekscytowany