Zadanie 5.
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Caroline Giacometti Prodgers was an affluent woman living contentedly in London during the 19th century. She enjoyed many of the usual hobbies of women in that era, with one prominent exception: she loved to terrorize the cab drivers of London.
Prodgers wasn't just harsh in her conduct towards cab drivers; that was the way she ended her encounters with them, provoking them into insulting her. Over twenty years, she successfully sued more than 40 drivers. 5.1. __________________ If a cabdriver took her even a single metre farther than her intended destination and tried to charge her for it, she'd vigorously protest the increased fare. Soon, threats of lawsuits would be flying around, and she might also charge the driver with verbal abuse. Often, both parties would end up in court.
There are no records that say why she chose to make this her hobby, but it was a custom supported by her friend, a famous explorer Richard Francis Burton. 5.2. _________________ The cabbies quite logically hated dealing with her. When she'd approach the cabstand, they'd warn each other, yelling "Mother Prodgers!" as they took flight. 5.3. _______________________________
The judge in that case ended up abandoning those specific charges, though many other charges against the cabbies stuck.
All in all, Prodgers' war against cabbies' unfairness ended with good news. 5.4. _______________________The law to bring meters to cabs was first introduced in London in 1890 , the year of her death.

A. Efforts like this and from others eventually led to the installation of meters in cabs, a system still largely in place today.
B. Here's how: since there were no meters, fares were based on location and distance, and Prodgers dedicated herself to memorizing every fare at every distance.
C. Although Burton warned her that her efforts might end with an attack from an enraged cabbie, she carried on suing. Soon, all cabbies knew Prodgers and began avoiding her.
D. That wasn't the end of the displays of their displeasure with her. One cabdriver was arrested after burning Prodgers in effigy at a celebration one night.
E. He encouraged her in her cab-terrorizing activities and even gave her legal guidance when he wasn't travelling to some distant place on the globe.

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Caroline Giacometti Prodgers was an affluent woman living contentedly in London during the 19th century. She enjoyed many of the usual hobbies of women in that era, with one prominent exception: she loved to terrorize the cab drivers of London.

Prodgers wasn't just harsh in her conduct towards cab drivers; that was the way she ended her encounters with them, provoking them into insulting her. Over twenty years, she successfully sued more than 40 drivers. 5.1. B. Here's how: since there were no meters, fares were based on location and distance, and Prodgers dedicated herself to memorizing every fare at every distance. If a cabdriver took her even a single metre farther than her intended destination and tried to charge her for it, she'd vigorously protest the increased fare. Soon, threats of lawsuits would be flying around, and she might also charge the driver with verbal abuse. Often, both parties would end up in court.

There are no records that say why she chose to make this her hobby, but it was a custom supported by her friend, a famous explorer Richard Francis Burton. 5.2. E. He encouraged her in her cab-terrorizing activities and even gave her legal guidance when he wasn't travelling to some distant place on the globe. The cabbies quite logically hated dealing with her. When she'd approach the cabstand, they'd warn each other, yelling "Mother Prodgers!" as they took flight. 5.3. D. That wasn't the end of the displays of their displeasure with her. One cabdriver was arrested after burning Prodgers in effigy at a celebration one night. The judge in that case ended up abandoning those specific charges, though many other charges against the cabbies stuck.

All in all, Prodgers' war against cabbies' unfairness ended with good news. 5.4. A. Efforts like this and from others eventually led to the installation of meters in cabs, a system still largely in place today. The law to bring meters to cabs was first introduced in London in 1890 , the year of her death.