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- opisz swoją nową szkołę,
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- zapytaj koleżankę, co sądzi o swojej szkole i co podoba jej się w niej najbardziej.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.

Odpowiedź :


Dear Chloe;

  Like I told you last time, I live in NYC now. After my move, I had to change school. You probably wonder how it is like, so I'll tell you about it.

  My new school is huge! Sometimes when I am looking for a class I get lost, that's kinda embarrassing. Besides, it's a really beautiful place. The building is white with beautiful wall decorations and there is a huge garden with a fountain and a few benches.

  I was worried that my new teachers are going to be rude, but actually they're really kind and nice so are my new classmates. I made a friend, her name is Juliet. Maybe you can meet her someday.

  My favorite teacher- mrs. Jackson, teaches my favorite subject- history. I love history and I really enjoy learning things about it. My favorite historical hero is George Washington. I'm sure you know who it is.

  They're a few important and strange rules. The worts is that we can't chew bubble gum here! Isn't it stupid? And the other one is that we can't drink coke here. It's my favorite drink, so I'm dissapointed. :(

  I wonder how's your school like. Can you tell me something about its rules and teachers? What's your favorite subject and what do you like the most in your school?

Lemme know!