3. 18 Study the Vocabulary B box using
dictionary. Choose the correct option. Write the
answers in your notebook.
Vocabulary B The law
court fine judge law lawyer prison /jail
punishment reward
£500 punishment / reward for
information on local vandals.
Thirty years in prison / court
for diamond thieves.
Judge / Lawyer decides young thief
should work for the community.
Old man falls asleep in car park
and gets a fine / reward of £50.
Ex-criminal goes back to school to
study and become a lawyer / court!​.

Odpowiedź :


Wybierz właściwe słowa

1. £500 reward (punishment / reward) for information on local vandals.

2. Thirty years in prison (in prison / court) for diamond thieves.

3. Judge (Judge / Lawyer) decides young thief should work for the community.

4. Old man falls asleep in car park and gets a fine (fine / reward) of £50.

5. Ex-criminal goes back to school to study and become a lawyer (lawyer / court)!​.


  • court - sąd
  • fine - grzywna (nakładana przez organ państwowy)
  • judge - sędzia (w sądzie)
  • law - prawo (system zasad)
  • lawyer - prawnik, prawniczka
  • prison - więzienie, zakład karny
  • jail - areszt tymczasowy, więzienie
  • punishment - kara
  • reward - nagroda