THENGENDHALLE O 35:7-5 Nationalities 1524 Your friend is from Peru. He is. I am from the U.K. I am Eric is from Japan. He is Amy and I are from German. We're - The girls are from the Ireland. They're -. Emma is from Mexico. She's. You are from Egypt. You're. Tom and Dan are from Spain. You're. This is from the U.S.A. It's. They are from Australia. They are John is from Russia. He is ______ Lara and I are from Ecuador. We're. My mom is from Italy. She's Her brother is from Canada. He's​

THENGENDHALLE O 3575 Nationalities 1524 Your Friend Is From Peru He Is I Am From The UK I Am Eric Is From Japan He Is Amy And I Are From German Were The Girls A class=