1. Read the text on page 8 again and find nouns made from the adjectives below. 1. ambitious _________ 2. creative __________ 3. dishonest ________ 4. friendly __________ 5. intelligent ________ 6. egotistical ________ 7. lazy _____________ 8. loyal ____________ 9. modest __________
2. Complete the text with the correct form of the words from exercise 3.
Some people love dog, others prefer cats. Cat lovers say that cats very ________ while dogs are stupid. Dog lovers answer. Cats are very______-you can't trust them. A dog, on the other hand is a symbol of _______-when a dog becomes your friend, he or she will be your friend forever. In compariosn, cats only love themselves. They are famous for their _______-they believe they are the centre of the world. Oh, and their all day, while dogs run, go for walks and love playing. To answer all this criticism, I can honestly say that my cat goes out every day(on the balcony for at least 5 minutes).
*Tekst w załączniku* Jeśli ktoś mógłby to można jeszcze zadnie 3 wykonać, tam gdzie jest tekst. Byłabym wzięczna. DAJĘ NAJJ