


the stories

4 The Black

victims fa

5 The polit


6 Celebrit


7 Wild an

Read the text on page 8 again and answer the questions.

1 What does the writer say about fake news stories in the past?

2. In what ways have fake news stories evolved?

3 What are the examples of Pizzagate and the Roma minority in France meant to illustrate?

4 What two points does the author make about news
stories that play on our emotions?

5 What does the author say about attempts to control fake news by governments and social media?

6 What recommendations are given to help us avoid being taken in by fake news?

POMOCY 3 The Stories 4 The Black Victims Fa 5 The Polit Crimes 6 Celebrit Apologis 7 Wild An Read The Text On Page 8 Again And Answer The Questions 1 What Does class=