Przetłumacz zdania:

1. This song (jest tak popularna) ________________that everyone knows it.

2. My dad (pracował) _____________________in the garden, when he heard a strange noise.

3. (Czy miałeś w zwyczaju) ________________ play tennis when you were younger?

4. (Czy zawsze oglądasz) _______________________ TV in the evening?

5. Last week, I (odwiedziłem mojego kuzyna)_____________________.

6. (Nie widziałem) _________________ my friend since last summer.

7. Is Allan ______________________ (boi się) spiders?

8. My mum (nie zamierza) _______________________ cook pasta for dinner.

9. This computer (jest zbyt wolny) ________________ to have online lesson on it.

10. (Czy muszę) ____________________ come back early?

11. I (mam) _____________________ my bike since 2008.

12. (Wolę) ____________ listening to music to playing computer games. 8.

13. (Czy widziałeś) ___________________ the new series on Netflix yet? 9.

14. Don’t shout! Peter (odrabia pracę domową) _________________ now.

15. I spent (dużo pieniędzy) ___________________ on clothes this month.

16. Let’s take a bus. It will be ___________________ (tańsze niż) a taxi.

17. What (powinienem zrobić) ______________________ ?

18. I (nie interesuje się) ___________________________ on History.

19. I haven’t got (żadnej) __________________________ homework today.

20. (Ilu ludzi) ________________________ are there in the cinema?

21.My mum prepared (kilka) _____________ sandwiches for the picnic.

22. I (właśnie wygrałem) ________________ in a lottery. I’m very happy.

23. This book (jest tak dobra jak) __________________________ the film.

24. We (nie możemy) _______________ talk in in the theatre when the actors play.

25. The oranges aren’t (dość świeże) ___________________. Don’t eat them.

26. (Czy rozumiesz) __________________________ this task? I can help you.

27.The queue was (taka długa) ______________________ that I decided to give up.

28.This is my uncle (który) _______________ is keen on fishing.

29.My grandpa (ma) _______________ 99 years old and he feels very well.

30. (Boję się) _______________ of the dark.

31. (Ile czasu) _______________________ do we have to finish the task?

32. The best rolls (są sprzedawane) ______________ in this bakery.

33. This is (najgorszy) ____________ film I have ever watched.

34. (Ile kosztuje) ______________________ this wooden table?
35. I will come back (w poniedziałek) __________________.