Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercise 1.More than one ansver may be possible 1.I think Peter is very ..... to do a bungee jump (kropmi to puste miejsce nie ilość słów) 2.We lost our cat abd we were very ...... 3.The teacher was ...... when I send a text message in class 4.My mun was ....... because she couldnt contact my brother 5.My parents were very ...... when my sister graduated. 6.It s Christmas tommorow a d the children are ..... 7.I always feel ...... when it rains at the weeekend 8.My brother has a new phone I m really ...... because I want me too! 9.I didnt know anyone at the party,so I was . ... when Joe arrived Ogólnie dzk za odp (mam zrobione pare przykładów ale zadaje wszystkie gdybym miała źle )